2018 Goals & Lessons Learned in January

January 29, 2018

Goals & Lessons Learned…

I was going to write about resolutions… sort of a check-in at the end of January. But then I don’t usually make resolutions, so that didn’t make much sense for me.

However, I do set goals! And I have found that it is easier to set goals than to reach them. My last goal setting experience started in October. I set an ambitious goal and within 2 weeks found out where I need to grow! So, I got busy working on that. I’m still working on it, but that is how it grows.

This year, I am more determined than ever. I took time to get very clear on what I want to accomplish in 2018. My goals are big. If I get even half way there, it will be worth the effort!

I have set goals that make sense to me, that are important and that have clear benefits. AND my goals are a STRETCH – I will definitely need to grow to reach them.

I am very clear on what I want and why I want it. My goals are primarily focused on growing my business, which will involve growing my network, which will include being more active on social media. Here’s how it’s going so far…

Two weeks into the new year, all is well. I’m staying focused and making progress. Not as fast as I would like, but steady progress in the right direction!

Then, an unexpected turn of events on the home front sent me scrambling to put new systems in place. All is well, but it took my time and most importantly my focus away from my big goals for this year.

So already, in the first month of the year, I have learned some important lessons. They will certainly sound obvious to the seasoned entrepreneur. And even though I “should” have already known these and acted on them, I hadn’t (at least not adequately).

So here are my learning points:

1) Plan ahead. Have everything done in advance! You never know what may come up. Schedules still need to be met! My new goal for this is to be prepared in advance for the next 30 days.

2) Written goals!!! We all hear this and fortunately I had already written out fairly detailed 2018 goals. This helped me immensely to get re-focused after my attention had gone elsewhere for a few days.

3) Having a detailed plan in place for the weeks and months ahead is hugely helpful in knowing what to do next. My detailed plan is in progress. Enough of it was already there that I am back on track already and moving forward after a few days of diverted attention.

How do you keep focused on your goals when the unexpected happens?